Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Diplomacy Fall 1456 AD Moves and Results. No Builds/Disbands Turn 008

France (Civil Disorder)
A Brest Hold

England (Pat)
Fleet North Sea to the Norwegian Sea (Bounce)
Fleet London to the English Channel
Army Yorkshire to London
Army Paris stands
Army Holland support Fleet Belgium (Support Cut)
Fleet Belgium support Army Holland

Spain (Mike)
Army Gascony to Burgundy
Army Marseilles support Army Gascony to Burgundy (Support Cut)
Fleet Western Med. to Tyrrhenian Sea
Fleet Tunis support Fleet Western Med. to Tyrrenhian Sea

Holy Roman Empire (Chris)
Fleet Denmark to Hel Bight
Army Kiel to Holland (Bounce)
Army Ruhr sup Kiel to Holland
Army Switzerland to Marseilles (Bounce)
Army Tyrolia to Venice (Bounce)
Army Munich to Tyrolia (Bounce)
Army Budapest sup Ottoman Army Bulgaria to Serbia (No Effect)

Poland-Lith (Steve)
Fleet Barents Sea Moves to Norwegian Sea (Bounce)
Fleet Black Sea Moves to Sevastopol
Fleet Baltic Sea Stands
Army Warsaw Stands
Army Sweden Supports Army Norway
Army Norway Supports Army Sweden
Army Rumania Supports Ottoman Army Bulgaria to Serbia (No Effect)

Venice (Joseph)
Army Serbia Supports Fleet Greece.
Fleet Greece Supports Ottoman Army Bulgaria
Fleet Ionian Sea Supports Fleet Greece
Fleet Adriatic Moves to Venice (Bounce)
Army Trieste Supports Army Serbia
Army Naples moves to Rome

Ottoman Empire (Les)
Army Bulgaria supports Venician Army Serbia
Army Constantipole to Ankara
Fleet Aegean Sea to Constantipole
Fleet Eastern Med to Smyrna

Incrediable. No Changes in the standings. Spring 1457 orders are due 9:00 AM ET Sunday April 18th. When supporting units not under your control please specify their nationality in your orders.

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